news network Thank You & Farewell Internet News Network was a one-man operation created by a journalist for news junkies. NetNewsNet's final edition was published May 11, 2001. The plan was to put up a news portal - dedicated to compiling a daily roundup of the best stories from the top newspapers - for a two-month trial period. Everything was done for free (HTML software, website server, FTP shareware) except for the nominally priced domain name. The goal was to log at least 1,000 hits a day by the end of the test run. The site was submitted to 25 search engines. About 750 emails were sent to family, friends and journalists. Word was spread to bulletin boards, what's hot listings and similar news sites. Traffic leveled out at about 10 to 20 hits a day after the first few weeks. Three search engines listed the site deep in their bowels. A much-appreciated mention in Netsurfer Report brought in up to 900 hits a day for about a week. By the final issue traffic was steady at about 250 hits a day. In the end, the effort unfortunately outweighed the returns. Posting the site took about three hours a day (an hour the night before, two hours the morning of). Another 10 hours a week was spent on publicity and maintenance. Much sleep was lost but much was learned. Thank you to all those who visited the website. Send your comments to